Pusat Pengajian Ilmu Kemanusiaan | School of Humanities

Dean / Dekan

Associate Professor Dr. Jasni Bin Sulong
phone 04-6533806/6039
mail jasni@usm.my

Deputy Dean / Timbalan Dekan 

Academic, Career & International /
Akademik, Kerjaya & Antarabangsa
Associate Professor Dr. Muhamad Hasrul Bin Zakariah
phone 04-6534349/6033
mail hasrul74@usm.my
Research, Innovation and Industry-Community Engagement / 
Penyelidikan, Inovasi & Libatsama Industri-Komuniti)
Associate Professor Dr. Asyirah Binti Abdul Rahim
phone 04-6533858/3332
mail asyirah@usm.my

Principal Assistant Registrar /
Ketua Penolong Pendaftar
Mr. Khairul Aswad Bin Abd Aziz
phone 04-6533374
mail asaz@usm.my
Senior Assistant Registrar /
Penolong Pendaftar Kanan
Mrs. Bazilah Binti Mohamad Zaki
phone 04-6533850
mail bazilah@usm.my

Programme Chairperson / Pengerusi Rancangan

Geography Section / Bahagian Geografi 
Dr. Wan Mohd Muhiyuddin Bin Wan Ibrahim
phone 04-6532868
mail wmmwi@usm.my
History Section / Bahagian Sejarah
Dr. Tan Chee Seng
phone 04-6532703
mail tancs@usm.my
Malay Linguistics Section /
Bahagian Linguistik Bahasa Melayu
Dr. Mohd Khaidir Bin Abdul Wahab
phone 04-6533333
mail mohdkhaidir@usm.my
English Language Studies Section / Bahagian Pengajian Bahasa Inggeris
Dr. Ang Leng Hong
phone 04-6536046
mail lenghong@usm.my

Programme Chairperson / Pengerusi Rancangan

Literature Section / Bahagian Kesusasteraan
Associate Professor Dr. Mohamad Luthfi Bin Abdul Rahman
phone 04-6536044
mail luthfi@usm.my
Islamic Studies Section / Bahagian Pengajian Islam
Associate Professor Dr. Roshimah Binti Shamsudin
phone 04-6532848
mail roshimah@usm.my
Philosophy and Civilization Section / Bahagian Falsafah dan Tamadun
Associate Professor Dr. Muhammad Azizan Bin Sabjan
phone 04-6533869
mail mazizan@usm.my
Translation and Interpreting Studies Section / Bahagian Terjemahan dan Interpretasi
Dr. Chow Yean Fun
phone 04-6533336
mail yeanfun.chow@usm.my

  • Last Modified:
    Wednesday 22 January 2025, 01:47:06.